Nothing happens in any business until something is sold. Think about it for a moment. It doesn’t matter what you do for living – whether you are an employee or employer. Everything related to your income (unless you’re a government or non-profit employee) operates on the sales of products and services. Sales is very core of business. Yet many people … Read More
Belief in yourself is the key to your personal transformation
You’ve got to believe in yourself – you’ve got to trust yourself. That’s the number one fundamental of personal transformation. You can learn how to do things necessary in any area of life, but if you don’t trust yourself, if you don’t believe in yourself – you’ll never pull the trigger and take those critical actions with 100% effectiveness. You’ll … Read More
Drop the baggage and get on with living your life
Life is meant to be lived. Yet we all carry baggage for much or all of our lives because we’ve accepted it. Some of us carry more baggage than others and are crippled by it. Stuff happens and we take it on. The problem is that it’s a heavy burden to bear. But think about it. Some people are saddled … Read More
The Time Is Now: Living In The Present
All the philosophers, great religions and spiritualities encourage us to live in the present moment – to be here NOW. And yet it seems to be a basic part of the human condition to cast our consciousness into the future or the past. To some people, it appears to be very difficult to live in the present. Why is this … Read More
The Secret To Achieving The Impossible
Hmm, the Impossible. In your opinion, what is the Impossible? Are you thinking of that posh mansion you would like to live in? Or a financially-free lifestyle of travelling around the world? Or that spiffy Lamborghini? I’m sure there must be people around who have achieved their equivalent of the Impossible. How did they do it? For instance, were people … Read More
The 6 Jars That Will Help You Retire Early
Nowadays, that thought seems very far off, as compared to the past. Why do I say that? Well, fuel prices, food prices and the like, they are all on the rise and rise. With the inflation working deviously behind the scenes, what may seem like a big sum decades back… say $50,000, now that seems like a paltry sum in … Read More
Realize Your Life Purpose In Minutes
In the grand scheme of things, we are all searching for the same things and we all need the same thing – to find our purpose in life. Why are we here and what are we meant to do? Even if you don’t believe that you actually have a purpose, you can still discover what yours is. Belief in a … Read More
How Multi-Tasking Is Ruining Your Life
Once upon a time we were all told that the way to get ahead and the key to productivity and a happy life was multi-tasking. Multi-tasking is essentially doing multiple things at the same time and doing them all well. Using to the maximum every second we have was the mantra most of us learned in and out of the … Read More
Getting Your Work Done In 2 Hours A Day
Getting work done in 2 hours in a day. Well, that sounds doable doesn’t it? Well, maybe not. Due to various distractions or emergencies, we often find ourselves spending more time on a task than should be, and thus allowing our overall productivity to decrease. The question then – Are we working too much? Would we be more efficient and … Read More
Earning $10,000 A Month
Now, the title of this blog post is something which I believe most of you out there aspire to achieve in your career. But how do you go about it, to be able to increase your income until you earn at least $10,000 a month? Well, a lot depends upon the skills you have or are willing to acquire and … Read More